Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hello, everyone...

I make no guarantees that I will post more regularly than my son, but I'll give it a try.  Don't even know that I'll ever have anything to say worth reading, but you can always ignore it :)  So, here we go...

It's snowing today.  We are wishing for snow so very much, but it seems we're perpetually in the eye of the storm, with those around us getting much and our ground is barely white.

     But life goes on in the store, in spite of the lack.  Gingerbread is baking, sugar cookies are being decorated, the boys are packing Christmas sprinkles and lemon drops.  Christmas music plays in the background.  

     In just a few minutes, Herb and I will be headed to the bank in town to make our road officially ours again, after a surveyor moved our section corner, moving our road onto our neighbor's land.  It's been a long haul.  I will be glad to have it finally over and settled.

     The children found an absolutely glorious tree that is now filling our house with it's wonderful scent.  The children began to put the ornaments on last night, complete with colorful wooden bead garlands and candles.  Our ancient hand-made calico angel sits atop, placed there by Emilee (sitting on Noah's shoulders).  This is a family tradition that is precious to us.  So many of the ornaments are memories of special outings, vacations or events.  Even the ratty ones continue to appear, as someone can't bear to part with them.

Off to the bank now...


  1. first commenter !!

    i was actually holding her up :P

  2. Noah had an "angel" on his shoulders. Notice the quotes please :)

  3. Hey, you did it! So proud of you, and I'm looking forward to what you have to share.

  4. Maybe I'll try this sometime......... maybe. :)

  5. Welcome aboard. You'll enjoy it.

  6. Send pictures, please. And welcome to the Blog: Resistance is futile.

    Miss you all very much!

  7. Don't know about the picks,'s a miracle I got this far! Pics are too high tech for me :) I'm only here cause Charlotte held my hand :)
