Sunday, May 23, 2010

  I want to blog, but when I write, it's the personal, deep thoughts that want to go down and I'm not sure this is the place for that. Seems I end up erasing far more than ever goes on, and rightfully so. Besides which,  the ones reading this already know what's going on in my mind, so it's redundant.  So I believe I will close this blog, and keep those "deep" thoughts where they belong, and save your reading time for more interesting pursuits :)  Sure was fun making my page though :)  Goodbye!


  1. Mama, for the sake of your children in Thailand, please reconsider. Blog everyday events, and pictures of your lives. Please, please. And I don't think it is "redundant" as you say, because I'm really not close enough to home to know what you're thinking. Love you, and please don't quit! -Lisl
